Building your own home brings you the freedom to perfectly match your living environment with your way of life.

At A1 Drafting we have considerable experience in the design of customised homes and work with you to realise your personal vision.

When planning your new home, there are many choices that must be made. Considerations include the size of your home and number of rooms you require, whether to build single or double story, the materials used from brick to timber construction and the architectural style from traditional elegance to cutting edge contemporary design.

A1 Drafting works with you to produce a comprehensive design brief for your project, taking you through all the options to ensure you make an informed choice. We help you combine all your needs and desires into a single integrated concept.

At A1 Drafting we blend style and innovation with the practical demands of construction to bring you the most functional and cost effective solution. Our site specific designs make the most efficient use of the space available while remaining in sympathy with your site’s local environment.

We are well versed in the rules and regulations governing new home construction, so you can rest assured that your project will progress as smoothly as possible.

Read more about our design process for a detailed overview of our design development procedures.