Many architectural developments require town planning permission prior to construction. Obtaining a planning permit from your local council can be fraught with long delays and obstructions if not handled correctly.

A1 Drafting has a detailed understanding of planning codes and guidelines and we integrate this knowledge into our designs from the outset. We produce all required documentation and administer the application process on your behalf saving you both time and money.

About rescodes and guidelines

ResCode is a set of state wide planning regulations governing all residential developments up to three storeys in height. They outline a set of policies designed to protect neighbouring property owners and to regulate land use. The State of Victoria’s ResCode includes regulations concerning street and side boundary setbacks, the extent of building along boundary lines, building height, fence height and the overshadowing or overlooking of adjoining properties.

In addition to the State ResCode, local authorities may also issue their own planning guidelines. These local provisions respond to the urban planning scheme and concern themselves with issues such as land zoning, the preservation of neighbourhood character and sustainable development.

Your property may also be subject to a planning control overlay. The most significant of these is the heritage overlay that imposes rules concerning the conservation of your home’s overall appearance and period features. A significant vegetation control may also effect your development, requiring the protection of specific trees or foliage areas.

Do you need a permit?

All building works, no matter how small, are subject to planning controls, including extensions, garages and carports. However, not all will require a planning permit.

The decision as to whether your development will require a permit depends on a number of factors that may vary between local authorities. Considerations include the size of your land, if it is covered by a planning overlay or if you are seeking exemption on any matter. All multiple dwelling proposals such as unit developments or dual occupancies will require a permit, as does the subdivision of land.

In determining your exposure to planning regulations, we highly recommend a pre-application meeting with your local authority planning department. Here all possible concerns can be discussed and permit requirements ascertained.

The application process

If your project does require town planning permission, A1 Drafting supports and leads you through every step of the application process.

Assessment of your proposed development requires submission of comprehensive planning documentation to council. Depending on the extent of your project this may include the following:

  • Site Description, including plan drawings and written documentation detailing the existing conditions of the site and the surrounding properties.
  • Neighbourhood Description, including written and photographic evidence of the overall character and specific features of the surrounding area.
  • Design Response, including plan and street elevation drawings showing your proposal in relation to its site and all adjoining properties. These are supported by a written submission describing your design response to the location. Overlooking diagrams and overshadowing diagrams may also be required, showing the effect your proposal will have on your neighbours

With the addition of your completed application form, application fee and a recent copy of title and covenant details, this set of planning documentation is submitted to council for consideration. Your proposal must then be advertised to all interested parties for their comment or objection.

A1 Drafting develops all required planning documentation. We liaise with council on your behalf throughout the process and can attend all meetings for you. Our vast experience of the planning process ensures that you receive a decision in the shortest time possible.

The most important factor in achieving an advantageous outcome is the integration of planning considerations into your building’s design. We incorporate our in-depth knowledge of planning codes and constraints from the very start of the process to achieve a fast and favourable decision.